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How does imagination create memory?

Memory is an intriguing aspect of imagination. Imagination and memory influence each other. They are faculties of the h…

No Teeth

Has to buy bony meat, Since the mouth has no teeth, Only restrained nose sniffles tasty food. The blind has to pay to s…

How Imagination Affects Mental Health

Imagination can make our minds run wild in thoughts and fantasies. And when it does, we like the good side of it.  Effe…

The New Page of Imagination

The page is ripe, write with a fresh pen.  Use new and pristine ink.  When you write on the page, bring out your fresh …

What Are The Senses Of Imagination?

Close your eyes for a moment, try to think of anything. You can still sense things in images and feelings. The sensatio…

You Have To Be In Somebody's Shoes

You have to be a teacher, To open the eyes of those who can't see, You have to teach the evils of corruption, You h…
