Count Blessings!


Do you go to bed with a cold heart or do you wake up in the morning enthusiastic ready to face the day?

Do we appreciate a little experience or things we achieve on daily bases? Counting blessings is being appreciative by recognizing the worth and importance of something an event, a person, a behavior, or an object, and feeling a positive feeling of care for it.

Counting blessings benefits a person as it improves one's mood and makes us feel more connected to the situation and people, family, and friends. 

Life on Earth is full of troubles. You may think you alone experiencing a difficult time but in reality, you are not. Appreciation comes naturally with a natural character but to some comes with learning from life circumstances.
In this world, everyone has a share of the burden of troubles life has to offer.
Also, it's natural because bad and good things happen to everyone on the face of the Earth. 

The troubles that someone has to experience are a miracle to somebody else.

Place,  purpose, and meaning into life.

Beautiful flowers scenery
We are always on a hunt for a purpose, meaning, and place in life, since we got to live the kind of life we desire. To live happily we find ourselves on the lucky side of life, trying to free the ugly ones.

A sick person is kind of lucky when healers have to exercise their expertise and solve the problem otherwise they would not have existed without sick people around them.

Life is beautiful and sometimes ugly; Just think of a scenario in the jungle where a hungry lion hunting a weak Impala, and unfortunately, a group of hyenas approaches to steal the kill, An evolution scientist would say natural selection is happening.

The same applies to daily life in the human world where powerful people have a place in the lives of weak and vulnerable people.

But both powerful and weak no matter what is before them, still they share the burden of troubles the world has to give.

Both weak and powerful may experience loss,  death, disaster, diseases,  fear, sorrow, and grief but how they react to the problems makes a difference.

On the other side of life, there are wonderful things to experience the things that glow in our hearts giving light to the physical world.

Things like success, achievements versus failure, moments of sorrow and comfort, moments of laughter and joy versus cry and anger, and so on.

These moments are interrelated they give meaning and reasons to live.

So, when we go to sleep with our hearts cold and our minds dark,  it's when we wake up the next day feeling defeated already even before the fight.

The key to the secret to success is daily self-motivation:

1.  Read books on various topics.

2. Listen to motivational speeches.

3. Before going to sleep count blessings and be grateful for whatever you have. Promise yourself to do more the next day. Appreciation improves mood and gives a sense of happiness.

4. Pray and meditate.
Connect to your inner being.

5. Learn every day and try new things.

6. Never quit, try new ideas.

In "Count Your Blessings " real-life activities such as exercises, meditations, and affirmations are of great help. Dr. Demartini shows how you can use and develop your inner resources, just by living in the present moment. 
  • Transforming tough situations into inspiring learning adventures.
  • Transform the negativity of your fears and dilemmas into optimistic efforts.
  • Realize your goals and stick to them. Think of what you love to do. Do it with passion.
  • Cultivating more loving and healthy relationships.

Counting blessings has the power to heal disturbed souls. Always remember you hold a precious place life has to offer in whatever you are doing. It can also remake the negativity of your anxieties and difficulties into motivating moves.

Whatever you achieved in life is a true miracle... believe that you can make a difference.

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  1. Good insight on life .....check this out

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