The Good Side of Disaster.


It's hard to face reality sometimes when you're left with no direction or choice after a hard moment in life. Once or more in our lifetime normally we may witness and face disasters or situations that leave our lives and dreams tarnished.


"Always look on the bright side. For every disaster in your life, you will get a discount in the other part of your life".Lala Pohang

And yet there may be still a sign of light on the other side of darkness. Grains for bread are a good side of work and labor. It is a sign of Hope and Peace.

Disastrous consequences we have to endure when encountering and battling against pandemic diseases and, natural calamities such as tsunamis, hurricanes, famine, drought also floods, earthquakes, and so on.

Resources, preparedness, hope, kindness, gratitude to daily workers, unity as well as leadership are highly needed during these times. To see a glimpse of hope during hard times depends on how we see problems and respond to solving them.

Seeing the bright side of the troubles takes the following:

We can do better and shape our societies when we care enough to learn, share, improve, research, and rebuild ourselves, our lives, our societies, and our world at large. The hard situations improve our lives in many ways we couldn't have imagined.

  • Positivity.

We need to take matters constructively. And also share and spread positivity.
Also avoiding missing information.

  • Learning more about a problem may be fruitful, because it may equip us with knowledge and key information that may contribute to understanding the problem and eventually be precise at reaching a reliable solution.
  • Keeping focused on what is important at the moment like saving the lives of victims, and providing needed help.
  • Staying engaged in cooperation and also spreading appropriate information and integration.
  • Changing habits to get along with the needs of the current situation.

"Reality is created by the mind, we can change our reality by changing our mind".Plato

Disastrous moments shape us in various ways:

  • The disasters we witness and face are what make us even stronger, evolving and becoming super effective and easy to adapt to new strange situations.
  • Scientists find new effective ways to tackle likely hazardous situations in the future.
  • The majority of people become aware of dangers likely to come, therefore getting prepared.
  • Leaders also learn lessons on how they can organize and execute plans in case a disastrous moment appears in the future.

Also, preparing enough resources of all sorts may likely be required during hard times.

  • Keeping our world safe and saving our planet become a major concern to many, since according to scientific research, findings and publications suggest that our planet is in danger due to human activities and over-consuming natural resources.
  • Taking measures like going green and introducing new technology-friendly environments such as renewable energy sources and many more.
  • Responding on time to warnings of a likely disaster becomes a number one priority in saving and avoiding more losses.

In the end, we should be aware of bad things and take action on time appropriately. People see bad things but they don't react, We can't certainly predict how nature will react.

"We know - intellectually - that confronting an issue is the only way to resolve it. But any resolution will disrupt the status quo. Given the choice between conflict and change on the one hand, and inertia on the other, the ostrich position can seem very attractive."
Margaret Heffernan, Willful Blindness: Why We Ignore the Obvious at Our Peril

Disasters improve us we can become a better society as we try to learn, research, and build on the hard times and hardships we had to endure. We have become a powerful and sophisticated human global society by being shaped by what happened to us in the past.

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