Reality in Perception

Imagine a bug under the forest canopy. Does it see the sky as we see? The sky is blue but it can be leafy and woody green to the bug walking on the forest floor. Our thoughts may hold truth and falsehood as perceptions deviate from the truth value of reality.
Brain reality

Decision making is influenced by perception and reality. We argue about this about that, because we see and perceive things differently. We view and perceive life and things differently because of conflicting facts, myths, traditions, customs, beliefs and and a sense of reasoning that help to align the conscious attributes towards the desired vision. 
  • This is because we are in a different position from others. Our brains unconsciously bend our perception of reality to meet our desires and expectations.
  • It's because we have a different historical background. That our beliefs and our past life experiences are incompatible with reality.
  • It's because we experience different kinds of challenges in this life. That our attitudes conflict with our thoughts and reality.
  • It's because we have different natures, determined and decided by our traits and social identities.
Perception is what makes us acquire beliefs. Cognition as a state of cognition gives a clear sense of deductive reasoning. This helps us grasp and differentiate features and characteristics of the objects with deep conceptual meaning. We can say we are a bunch of lives shaped by our life circumstances and perceptions. The forest to an elephant a farm and a house to a human. A house, money, and a farm are not real because they have no meaning to the life of an elephant.

A hive and a honeycomb also, flowers water, and tree shade for bees. These have a direct significance to the insect life. This means a lot to the bee's life if compared to the life of an elephant. That is the common sense of life and it's simple meaning. 

We are told to find extra meaning in this life as we try to visualize the new reality. We are lured to follow others so that we can experience and express what others see,  ignoring what we sense, perceive, and understand.

Intuitive awareness through the cultural schema and cultural systems of meanings-values are influenced by stimulus to the brain. The external influence may misdirect the perception of the sense from the stimulus such as light, sound, and social meaning-values. Therefore, this leads to a perception different from the reality. Likewise, the external medium may change the sense of stimulus leading to having different perspectives and interpretation.

We take different information, understand and use it in peculiar ways depending on our individuality, natural giftedness, and means of exploring and satisfying needs.

Our roles in this life come in varieties of a perceived world. That's how the central idea of life as a multiple expression of opinions from different perspectives and circumstances comes into depth.

  • The joy and disappointment is the reality of a perceived world.
  • We reflect what we perceive to others.
  • Success comes in many dimensions. The reality of it comes in perceptions. The dimensions of achievement mirror perception.

Beliefs come into play in our lives from an angle of perception. They develop from the beginning of the stories and narratives over time. Also, they become dynamic if we only switch the points of view.

According to Cognitive Dissonance, a theory in social psychology first proposed by Leon Festinger. According to this theory, cognitive dissonance describes the discomfort experienced when two cognitions are incompatible with each other. 

Cognitions can be thoughts, attitude, personal value and behavior. The underlying psychological uncertainty is created when an individual’s behavior conflicts with his or her thoughts and beliefs. Consistency between thoughts and behavior depends on the balance between attitude and belief. This helps to deal with depression and irrational thoughts.

The environment changes over time as it affects perception of the reality. The sense of now may not fit or suit the future. Because it's the perception that determines the angle of reality and consistency.

We get motivated by the reality of what we see. It's our minds that should seek the truth from the misconception in what we perceive. Our self-esteem is influenced by holding beliefs that are psychologically consistent and comfortable.

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