Biological Clock and Imagination as Aspects of Existence.

There can be moments when we feel the time even when we are lost and it's dark. It's biological time that makes inner sense of the moments and their meaning. 
Biological clock

We envision and transcend the present with a new sense of possibilities using imagination to synchronize with physical time. 

Fascinating Facts about Biological Clock.

1. Biological Clocks: How Does Our Body Know That Time Goes By? Our bodies have internal biological clocks that help us keep track of time, even when we're isolated from our environment. These clocks regulate various processes, including sleep and wake cycles, body temperature, hormones, metabolism, and cardiovascular functions.

2. Biological clock affects hormone production and regulation. Hormones such as glucocorticoids and cortisol, their production increase in humans during the night and peak in the morning. These hormones are responsible for balancing stress and mood swings and therefore affecting creativity at work. While melatonin affects the quality of sleep and reproduction. Gnocchi, D., & Bruscalupi, G. (2017).

3. Biological clock or circadian clock is well known as molecular clock or cellular clock. It operates on approximately a 24-hour cycle, influenced by the regular alternation of day and night. Light plays a crucial role in resetting this clock. 

Interestingly, the circadian clock mechanism was first discovered in fruit flies (Drosophila) in the 1970s. It involves feedback loops in gene expression, creating oscillations that align with the Earth's rotation.

Circadian clocks have a number of properties shaped by evolution. Circadian rhythm organize daily time in harmony with the environment using highly predictable signals found in our surroundings called, zeitgebers. Light and dark are reliable signals while temperature is a highly regular signal. Merrow. M (2023)

There is a link between Creativity, Existence, and Biological time. 

Cognitive function appears to be affected by biological factors. Time is a reference point for all our activities. It's the means through which we feel our existence. From birds, animals and plants all align their existence with the inner sense of time.

We are equipped with a psychological sense of time and space, this can be taken physiologically as a clock system. Time and space exist both communicatively produced and created with certain contextual perspectives. Nomura, N. (2023). Hence, they are not independent physical entities.

Going to work, having lunch, dinner, etc all are governed by a harmonization of rhythm between an inner sense of time and the physical sense of time. Under an influence of a balanced synchronicity between physical time and inner time, the mind can envision new objects and scenes which allows creativity to take place. 

Time, therefore is a unit of the reciprocal of the velocity of light, our biological clocks keep us in sync with time, while imagination allows us to transcend the present and envision new possibilities. Both biological time and imagination are remarkable aspects of our existence that affect how animals and humans behave in their surroundings.


Gnocchi, D., & Bruscalupi, G. (2017). Circadian Rhythms and Hormonal Homeostasis: Pathophysiological Implications. Biology, 6(1), 10.

Nomura, N. (2023). The Biological Production of Spacetime: A Sketch of the E-series Universe. Found Sci.

Merrow M. (2023). Circadian clocks: It's time for chronobiology. PLoS biology, 21(11), e3002426.

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