A Shadow of Expertise and Flexibility in Life

Flexibility and expertise

Seeing the light is of no expertise,

You can't predict what's next.

Professionalism in every way with flexibility.

Changes at a door handle with no predictability.

To see the day,

Live in a shadow of each second and hour.

To change,

Lively each season with a flower.

Threats is a chain,

It's a scorpion under every unturned stone.

Anti venom to life,

Turn a coin when you see the face of the scorpion king,

It's the moment to see the face of a dream and strive.

Wisdom is a way of an expert,

With an alarm when you sleep,

With a change and a step,

Be quiet or quit.

Expertise has life,

An art of doing,

With flexibility it's alive,

A science of perfection.

Wit with enthusiasm,

Meet your kingdom,

Success is where flexibility rule,

Dream when everything is true and blue,

Be an expert when nothing is blue and true,

Because nature is gentle and cruel.

Hope in the power of knowledge,

Walk in the way of light,

An eye of experience on the image,

Shake the truth with the shadow,

Care at handling the door.

Copyright © by D.W.Kadete


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