Music is The Universal Language


Dream of the world without music. The mind thinks of how life would be without using sounds and dance to have fun and express experiences and creative ideas, feelings, emotions, love, and affection. Music is a universal language, it's everywhere in the sense that every person around the world understands music, and is affected positively by it emotionally and mentally.

The beauty of music moves the mind in seconds. The sounds traveling in rhythmic patterns of waves electrify our imagination. We then without a question or doubt with music, light up our bodies with movements. Societies around the globe have songs that sound right in various situations.

Without the language of sounds in the form of music as means of communicating with ourselves deeply, it would be difficult to understand the deepest feelings and the soulful inner attachments, as well as reveal meaningful and complex imagination in ourselves.

Many of us normally find ourselves moved by music and songs of which language we don't know, but their melody, tempo, and rhymes speak a universal story. It's the story of a life experience told in an artistic design of sounds.

Music as a product of culture and nature is shared without limitations based on culture or species. A song of a bird for example in the morning signifies dawn.

This underlines the sensible role of music and songs in nature and the human world. Also, a beautiful song can be shared across different worlds.

In addition, an overall sense of musical texture and feelings in music is normally associated with tempo, melodic and harmonic elements organized to create quality musical sounds.

It's a collection of well-composed artistic works of musical instruments that make song music. From composing verses to carefully selecting, and organizing messages, rhyme schemes, and rhythm to singing and recording.

Social individuals in nature and the human world express their feelings in terms of songs in a set of pitched sounds. The pitch of sounds signifies a message. Therefore, music is universal and it's a social explanation of life.

Without music, life would be a mistake.- Friedrich Nietzsche

We understand music in a deep level of meaning by dancing or singing to it. We channel our feelings to the sounds of music when we are emotional.

Music as an art, it's a sort of sound in time along with the elements of melody, harmony, rhythm, and timbre. It's hard to escape the context of life by experiencing fresh music in time.

Most of the time I get carried away by the song without understanding the words but attached to the musical features such as linear melodizing and tempo as they touch my emotional feelings and nature.

I become sensitive to the quality of the song. When I know the words I sing to them on the surface level of the meaning of the song.

Music is universal because it plays various roles in our lives and nature.

  • Animals like music. Music has the power to influence physiological behavior in animals. The music sounds do modify animal behavior.
A bird does not sing because it has an answer. It sings because it has a song.-  Chinese Proverb

  • Music activates the brain and improves memory and learning. Learning and teaching using songs help students memorize fastly.
  • Music can impact the mind positively, also it lowers stress and encourages a good mood.
  • Music ignites the release of dopamine and makes you feel happy.
  • Music expresses feelings universally, therefore reminding us of the past, love, and affection as well as a social and cultural identity.
How is it that music can, without words, evoke our laughter, our fears, and our highest aspirations? - Jane Swan
  • Music is the simplest way of communicating a message. In rallies or gathering people, it's easy when we use music to attract people. Birds and animals sing, call, and trumpet to signify a social gathering, and so on.
  • Music energizes and motivates better performance, especially when working while listening to beautiful music.
  • Music is a needle that moves time in dreams.
Words move, and music moves Only in time, but that which is only living Can only die. Words, after the speech, reach Into the silence. Only by the form, the pattern, Can words or music reach The stillness.- T.S. Eliot

It's the rhythmic patterns of sounds in nature that tell a story about a universal explanation of life. The fresh colors of music are imaginations attached to life experiences.

Turning light into sound is an effortless process as it's the photosynthesis process in a plant leaf. Turning light and water into food. Whistling of the sun in the energy of high tides and low tides with the sounds of waves. These are the signs of music as a universal story of nature's design.

It's the food for the mind you get from the raw basic music sounds. The sounds of nature are free, fresh, and flexible with everything as it applies to sunlight and air.

Music is a life dream energized by the sounds of imagination. The sound leaves no feelings of numbness but feelings of lively active moments.

Brings in a sense of enormous wings of overwhelming nature. The sense of time in the dreaming mind is immersed in the gigantic oceans of music in harmony with everything.

Feeling the taste of a dream is a specific and genuine illustration of the universal message of nature. Soulful singing is a self-experience to explain the universal message of love, culture, happiness, sadness, and so on.

Emotions across different cultures can universally be translated and communicated through music. Music is the light through feelings. The day comes and goes with the light of a song.

The music is the light of the universal story of nature's design and human life. The colors of music are the colors of the universe. They echo the voice of the voiceless feelings. It's the universal message of life. 

It's the story of natural phenomena. Gray can be linked with sadder music whereas red, yellow, green, and blue may be linked with happier music. 

Music is the ocean of sounds. Music is the real expression of the self across the vast space between individual living beings. 

The challenging nature of the mind is to perceive sounds universally. The music turns on the senses of good feelings.

One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain.- Bob Marley

There is beauty, a sense of emotional experience, and meaning in every sound. Music is the energy to turn the mind in the direction of the moment. From orchestra, and jazz bands to sopranos and classical music to lyrical cited rhythmical tone of the music.

We may prefer a certain music genre based on our cultural appropriation, but the massage and aspirations remain the same. The purpose of music is as good as the value of language and voice in the expression and deliverance of the meaning.

Think of the music played at a medium tempo or any kind of music you would like. The music moves you and turns your senses to feelings that drive your imagination.

Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything.- Plato

Think of the sweet calling song of energy in the songbird that brings life in the blink of time and activity. In the vigor of life, in the thunder roaring a secret of the universal language, your mind makes the body feel it and understand it.

You experience and tell about the feelings of fear, and joy and you shake your body along with the heart pauses. It's the beating of drums and the strums of the guitar that explains life in detailed experience.

Travel over land, travel overseas, or cruise through air and space. Travel through music, since the universe is the giant bubble of music secretly vibrating with light and fresh sound energy.

Music is the product of nature and it's a universal stimulus. Not only music is an identity of the cultural wealth of art but also it's a natural sense of the universal message of life. 

That's why music has no limitations or any kind of boundaries. Therefore, music is everywhere, in nature and the human life shared across the world.

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